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2024 White Elephant Dinner

Looks like Cheryl is explaining what she got.

Steve is trying to figure out what he has.

Cooper hopes his Mom can use this!!

Debra's second present--her first one was stolen.

Gary stole Debra's beer present!

Kevin--"hope someone steals this"

Dave--I think this is an empty box??

Danny--MMM hot balls sauce!!--you had to be there!

Steve--HUGE playing cards--oh boy!

It's Marsha and her talking pickle.

Ben--surely there's something in here??

Jerry lost his first present--now he has a Darth Vader bust!

Just wait Kevin--this one gets stolen from you.

Beth--it's PARTY TIME!!

Marsha stealing a present.

Debra thought she had a good one---then it was stolen.

Smile Earl!!

Kathy and her sexy tissue holder!

Jerry kept getting stolen--his 3rd time up!

Sherrie got a nice lap blanket.

Steve got the old fish sandels, this is the 3rd year they have been back!

Becky got a cookbook.

Tammy checking it out.

Oh no--not Jerry again!